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About INPI

Official Industrial Property Agents

Official  Industrial Property Agents

Official  Industrial Property Agents are those that are recognised by INPI to exercise Industrial Property Rights on behalf of and in the interests of the parties that are their customers, with exemption from the presentation of a power of attorney.

The exercise of the Profession of  Official Industrial Property Agent before INPI is legally regulated by the Decree-Law nr. 15/1995, of January 24th.

To consult the list of  Official Industrial Property Agents, click here.


Access to OIPA's activity

Access to OIPAs activity in Portugal is regulated by the Decree-Law nr. 15/1995, of January 24th (with its amendments) and by the Administrative Rule nr. 1200/2010, of November 29th, as amended by the Ordinance nr. 239/2013, of July 25th.

Access to this activity before INPI is made through two different regimes, depending on whether the interested party already has the quality of  OIPA:

a) The regime for acquiring the status of  OIPA (applicable to cases where the interested party wishes to acquire this quality for the first time);

b) The OIPAstatus recognition regime previously acquired in another Member State (applicable in cases where the person concerned is already an OIPAin another country);

If you want to fill an application to start OIPAactivity, you can use the following templates:

a) The regime for acquiring the status of OIPA (not yet OIPA):

model 1 (portuguese only);

b) The OIPAstatus recognition regime (already OIPAin another country):

model 2 (portuguese only) - permanent establishment; regulated OIPAactivity in the country of origin;

model 3 (portuguese only) - permanent establishment; non-regulated OIPAactivity in the country of origin;

model 4 (portuguese only) - provision of temporary and occasional services; regulated OIPA activity in the country of origin; For more information click here.

model 5 (portuguese only) - provision of temporary and occasional services, non-regulated OIPAactivity in the country of origin;

model 6 (portuguese only) - renewal of the prior declaration.


All requirements and procedures comply with the EU standards imposed by Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications and Directive 2006/123/EC on services in the internal market.


Previous aptitude tests sheets

Notice nr. 7579/2016, of June 17th

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Notice nr. 6431/2017, of June 7th

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Notice nr. 9753/2020, of June 30th 

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Notice nr. 10859/2021, of June 14th

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Information updated on 14 March 2024 16:54