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About INPI

Quality of Service

Know the results of the evaluation of our service by our customers, the certifications and the accolades we receive.


Certification NP EN ISO 9001:2008

With our Quality Management System, we are committed to making every effort to achieve higher levels of satisfaction, corresponding to the expectations and needs of those who use INPI. The Quality Management System complies with international standards of reference, and it is certified by the NP EN ISO 9001 Standard, since 2006.


Certification as a training entity

With this certification by the Directorate General for Employment and Labour Relations (DGERT), we want our organisation to be recognised for the quality of its training services, thus contributing to the development of national competences in the field of Industrial Property.


Evaluation of services by our clients

See here the results of the evaluation of INPI services by its clients, since 2008:


In 2010, INPI was considered by Heidrick & Struggles and Exame Magazine as one of the best organisations to work for.

Also in 2010, INPI was the winner of the Good Practices in the Public Sector, in the category of Human Capital and Change Management, with the project Teleworking - Realization, Motivation and Performance. This prize is granted by Delloite and “Diário Económico”.

In 2007 INPI was one of the finalists of this award, attributed to projects that stood out in the area of e-Government. The @INPI: Electronic search and filing on Portuguese IP system project participated in the category of Efficient and Effective Administration.

In 2006, INPI was elected winner of the 1st prize in Category I - Information and Management Systems with the Industrial Property Computer System project. This prize is granted by Delloite and “Diário Económico”.

Information updated on 02 May 2024 13:17