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About INPI

Who we are

We ensure the protection of Industrial Property registered in Portugal. We promote the protection of national trademarks, patents and designs abroad.

INPI is a body under the supervision of the Minister of Justice (in coordination with the Minister of Education, Science and Innovation and the Minister of Economy) that aims to promote innovation, the country's competitiveness and the fight against counterfeiting and unfair competition in the field of Industrial Property.

We have the responsibility of:

  • grant and protect Industrial Property Rights in Portugal;
  • promote national Industrial Property abroad;
  • apply and comply with the Industrial Property Code (portuguese only);
  • disseminate patented technical and scientific information;
  • promote the use of the Industrial Property System (registration of trademarks, patents and designs).

Created in 1976 by the then Ministry of Foreign Trade, through the Decree-Law nr. 632 (portuguese only), INPI had as its main objective the promotion of competitiveness through innovation.

INPI is governed by its Organic Law and by its Statutes (Ministerial Order 386/2012 of November 29, amended by Ministerial Order 326/2019 of September 23).


Information updated on 13 May 2024 16:29