EUIPO - Call for proposals 2021
The EUIPO published a call for proposals - Support for awareness-raising activities on the value of intellectual property and the damage caused by counterfeiting and piracy. The deadline is June 8.
EUIPO - Call for proposals 2021
The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) launched a call for proposals to support awareness-raising activities on the value of Intellectual Property (IP) and on the damage caused by infringements to IP rights.
This call for proposals aims to increase knowledge of the value of IP with the purpose of promoting a change of behaviours, reducing the appeal of buying counterfeited goods or accessing digital contents through illegal sources.
The total budget available under this call for proposals for 2021 is estimated at EUR 1 000 000 and the applications must be submitted to the EUIPO no later than 08/06/2021 at 13:00 (CEST).
Further information and the detailed conditions of the call for proposals and the applicants’ guidelines are available at: and here.