We provide seven Models of Technology Transfer Research and Development Agreements to facilitate the creation of partnerships between universities and companies.
These agreements are provided only in Portuguese in a simple and annotated version, containing negotiating principles and conditions that can be applied to different types of research cooperation projects. They are based on three principles: sharing of information, ownership of research results and definition of exploitation rules.
The Agreements must be adapted to the concrete circumstances of each collaboration, and do not dispense the consultation of someone who knows the law.
The following models of agreement are available
- M 1 - Unilateral confidentiality agreement
(Simple | Noted)
- M 2 - Bilateral confidentiality agreement
(Simple | Noted)
- M 3 - Exclusive patent exploitation license agreement
(Simple | Noted)
- M 4 - Non-exclusive patent exploitation license agreement
(Simple| Noted)
- M 5 - Regulation of ownership of R&D results
(Simple | Noted)
- M 6 - Technological development contract
(Simple | Noted)
- M 7 - Research results sharing agreement
(Simple | Noted)
Legal notice
We provide these models to give an example of the conditions and negotiation clauses typical of the different types of agreements identified. When negotiating or signing any agreement or contract, the circumstances of the case must always be taken into account. Therefore, we recommend that you consult a lawyer, legal adviser or internal legal department. INPI cannot be responsible for the use or interpretation given to these models of agreements.